Category: (x)clusive stories

Guest Writer: Flora – It was truly an unforgettable night for the mostly female crowd at the Boyz

Yes, you’ve got it right! (x)clusive is back with yet another EXCLUSIVE interview with the boys of 7942.

Special report out of Singapore, from Malaysia – The Opening of Kenanga Wholesale City Mall cum showcase featuring

Having debut alongside power rookies such as B1A4, Block B, X-5 and Boyfriend, N-Train‘s presence in the music

Having hosted Music Bank for about a year, appeared on Running Man as a regular cast and landed

It has been just a mere two months into their debut and BTOB (Born To Beat) proved that

He may not be the best singer nor the greatest dancer out there in the saturated entertainment industry,

With Kim Hyun Joong‘s Fanmeeting looming around the corner, (x)clusive had a sneak peek of what is to

Guest Writer: XZ Here’s a special intercultural mix out for those of you looking for something to watch:

Labelmates, Boyfriend and SISTAR, were here in Singapore end February for a combined Fanmeeting. Already missing these 6

From the “Starship” all the way from Korea! Hot rookie boy group Boyfriend and “So Cool” girl group

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