(x)clusive!: Blooming with Doh Kyung Soo in Singapore

Doh Kyung Soo recently charmed his fans at his 2024 Doh Kyungsoo Asia Fan Concert Tour “BLOOM” in Singapore, mesmerising fans with his melodious voice and making fans laugh with his dorky and cheerful character.

Kyung Soo started off the fan concert with his song Mars and the lighthearted tune definitely started things off on the right note as it got the audience all hyped up. After the song, he playfully introduced the emcee for the night, April Kim, and proceeded straight to the first segment, “Kyungsoo in Bloom.”


During this segment, there were different flowers shown on the screen (drawn by Kyung Soo himself!), with each flower representing a different topic for Kyung Soo to talk about. Through this segment, he shared about various things, ranging from his to-do list in Singapore (even sharing photos of himself eating Singapore delicacies!) to memories from back in elementary school, giving fans a glimpse into his daily life.

April then proceeded to challenge Kyung Soo to a quiz based on his music video Popcorn with questions that only super-fans would notice. Needless to say, Kyungsoo didn’t fare too well and the penalty was to wear a pair of popcorn sunglasses and hold a popcorn bucket and pose for fans. What a treat!

One of the highlights during the “Kyungsoo in Bloom” segment was when Kyung Soo re-enacted his character’s confession scene from Bad Prosecutor. He even did a Singlish version with coaching from April which went “I like you, can?” Needless to say, the answer from the audience was a resounding “CAN!” 


During the next segment – To DO List, Kyungsoo was supposed to pick 3 songs out of 6 to sing but ended up singing all of them at the request of April. The songs were It’s Love, View, Wonder, Rose, Lee Youngji’s Small Girl and f(x)’s Goodbye Summer.

Then it’s back to Kyungsoo “BLOOMing” on stage with his songs, beginning with some lighthearted songs such as Simple Joys, I Do and My Dear, before proceeding to apologise for the upcoming slow set where he serenaded the audience with songs like Ordinary Days, Good Night and About Time. 

To get the crowd hyped up after enjoying the soulful ballads, Kyungsoo went on to make fans sitting at different levels compete against each other to see who could scream the loudest. With the excitement reignited, Kyungsoo then sang Somebody which got everyone singing along.

The fan meeting ended with a surprise fan project video prepared by the Singapore fans and of course the mandatory photo with the audience! 

What an unforgettable evening for all Dandanies (name of Kyungsoo’s fandom)! Doh Kyungsoo definitely impressed everyone with his vocals and also his dorky charms while interacting with his fans. For sure, fans can’t wait for him to return to Singapore with his next fan concert!

A special thanks to UnUsUaL Entertainment Pte Ltd for the media invite!

Images and text by: Shamane

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