Picky – The Beauty App You Never Knew You Needed

Have you ever wondered if a skincare product was actually suitable for your skin type? Worried about whether a new makeup product might cause your skin to break out? Do you even know your skin type?

Introducing Picky, a skincare app which lets you know your skin type (by calculating your answers to a set of questions!), and recommends you products which are suitable for your skin type.

We gave it a try over the weekend and was quite impressed by how accurately the app identified our skin types! Other than telling us things we already knew about our skin (like how some of us are prone to blackheads…), the app also recommended ingredients to include in our skincare regime and possibly more importantly, which ingredients to avoid. Because who wants a breakout on their face right?

Products are sorted in order of how suitable they are for your skin type by default. Once you create a profile, the app will even let you know whether or not a product is a “match” for your skin type, with three ratings — Holy Grail Alert, Worth a Try, and Risky. This feature is known as the Picky Match and it provides a projection of how compatible a product is with your skin type, and the concerns it targets based on its ingredients.







We’re convinced and will definitely be consulting this Picky app before purchasing any beauty items from now on!

But don’t just take our word for it. Try the app out yourself! You can download it via the App Store here. Unfortunately, the app is currently only available on IOS. Android users, don’t despair! An Android version is supposedly in the works but the team needs your help to speed up the development process. Sign up for the waitlist here, then wait patiently for the Android version to be released. But until then, borrow your friend’s iPhone. Like this writer did for this piece.

But that’s not all! Head over to our Instagram to find out how you can win a specially curated beauty box for your skin type!

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