(x)clusive!: 5 Ideal Moments of SEVENTEEN’s ‘IDEAL CUT’ Concert in Singapore


Back again in Singapore for their ‘IDEAL CUT’ concert tour, the thirteen boys of SEVENTEEN did not disappoint their CARATs (fan club name of SEVENTEEN’s fans) at the nearly 3-hour long show held at Singapore Indoor Stadium on 21st September. As SEVENTEEN mentioned in the interview with (x)clusive, the boys hoped to create the most ‘ideal moments’ for their fans during the concert, and thus the title ‘IDEAL CUT’ was decided. They sure did not disappoint, as we recap the Top 5 Ideal Moments of the concert below!

Ideal Moment #1: Opening Stage


The concert opened with the unveiling of all 13 members standing on their individual platforms, bathed in the spotlight. They kicked off the night’s performances with an exciting performance of Highlight, as well as the remixed version of Thanks (고맙다). Watch the performance below:

Ideal Moment #2: Burning Hip-hop Stages


While each of the sub-units performed a medley of songs showcasing their singing, rapping and dance skills, the hip-hop unit’s performance left the strongest impression. Making an impressive stage entrance on armchairs coupled with red LED lights in the background, the four members, S.Coups, Wonwoo, Mingyu and Vernon brought the house down with their fierce stage presence and rapping skills (side-note: not for the fainthearted or the young). It was just as if one stepped into a hip-hop concert!

Ideal Moment #3: Adorable Fan service


The SEVENTEEN boys brought much joy to the fans as they wore cartoon diamond hairbands, as they gave out roses to fans during the song Hello. There were lots of OTP (member pairing) moments as well, as the boys poked fun of one another and gave one another brotherly hugs.

Ideal Moment #4: Multilingual Ment


It was a bonus for Singapore CARATs as some of the members were able to communicate in English and Mandarin. Whilst the English-speaking members Vernon and Joshua charmed fans with their sweet thank-you speeches in English, the Chinese members The8 and Jun brought it to another level of over-sweetness, especially when The8 said:

下雨的时候,我会想起你们…… 下次我们梦里见、雨里见!” – The8
(It’s raining outside today, it’s romantic to be with you guys when it’s raining… I will think of you whenever it rains. See you next time in dreamland, or in the rain!)

And although the Korean members said their thank-yous in Korean, it was not less heartfelt; they thanked all the CARATs for their continuous love and support even though it was a long wait, and promised to return to Singapore again for their next concert. To summarize their love for the fans, here’s a quote from S.Coups:

“I will always love you.”

Ideal Moment #5: The Never-ending Encore Stage

As much as the fans did not want the night to end, the SEVENTEEN members seemed to feel the same. Their final encore song was Very Nice (아주 NICE) and while everyone thought it was the end as they gave their bows at the end of the song… The chorus of Very Nice suddenly started playing again and the boys ran back to the extended stage to party with the fans once more! It almost seemed like it would never end, as the song repeated another two to three times!


For more photos of SEVENTEEN’s IDEAL CUT in Singapore, do head over to (x)clusive’s Facebook Page.

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