Affectionately known as ‘Nation’s Boyfriend’, Park Seo Jun will be holding his first Asia Fan Meeting Tour to thank his fans, who have been supporting him since his debut days. The tour will kick-start in Hong Kong, before making stops in Japan, Taiwan, Singapore, and Thailand. The finale will be held in Seoul on 9 December.
Fans will get to hear Park Seo Jun sing and share snippets of his work and personal life. There will also be interaction segments so that fans can get up-close and personal with Park Seo Jun via games.
The actor started his career in 2011 and is well known for his roles in the dramas ‘Kill Me, Heal Me’, ‘She Was Pretty’, ‘Hwarang: The Poet Warrior Youth’, and more recently, as a police recruit in the movie, ‘Midnight Runners’.
Details of Event:
Date: 4th November 2017, Saturday
Time: 7PM
Venue: Resorts WorldTM Theatre, Resorts World Sentosa
Ticket Price: S$248, S$208, S$158
Ticketing Details:
Tickets will go on sale from 6th October 2017 (Friday), 10AM via SISTIC.
Fan Perks:
All ticket holders will have the opportunity to get up-close with Park Seo Jun during the Goodbye Hi-Touch session. In addition, 200 lucky CAT1 ticket holders will also get the chance to win a limited fan meet autographed poster.
Additional Perks:
200 lucky CAT1 ticket holders will stand a chance to meet and take a group photo with Park Seo Jun, a perk that is exclusive to the Singapore stop!
Lucky fans will be split into 10 groups, each with 20, for the group photo with the actor. The photo taking session will be conducted right after the Goodbye Hi-Touch session that is scheduled at the end of the fanmeet.
CAT1 ticket holder will be drawn randomly by the system and the results will be announced on 31st October on UnUsUaL Entertainment’s Facebook, together with the 200 winners for the autographed posters.
If you are a fan of Park Seo Jun, don’t miss this opportunity to meet him up-close!
2017 Park Seo Jun Live ‘Guess Who?’ in Singapore is brought to you by UnUsUaL Entertainment.
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