Singapore VIPs, get your CRAY ON because G-DRAGON will be bringing his <ACT III, M.O.T.T.E> 2017 World Tour to Singapore this June!
The leader of BIG BANG needs no introduction. Known to deliver quality stage performances, one can definitely expect the concert to be nothing short of perfection.
M.O.T.T.E. (母胎), the abbreviation for Moment Of Truth The End, will feature a trilogy telling the story of 30-year old G-Dragon’s life – illustrating the artiste’s honest moments, depicting his fancy and successful lifestyle as well as his struggles in solitude and torment.
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Details of <ACT III, M.O.T.T.E>:
Date/Time : 24th June 2017 (Saturday), 8PM | 25th June 2017 (Sunday), 6PM
Venue: Singapore Indoor Stadium
Ticket Price*: $348 (VIP)/ $268/ $228/ $148
* excludes ticketing administrative charge
Seating Plan:
Ticketing Details:
Public ticket sales start from 20th May 2017 (Saturday), 12PM via Singapore Sports Hub’s website.
Perks for VIP Ticket Holders:
VIP ticket holders ($348) will be entitled to an exclusive Sound Check Pass, an exclusive lanyard with ID Tag, and one merchandise. Details for sound check will be announced at a later date.
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