(x)clusive!: ONE Family Day Out with Ricky Kim and Kids


Organised by ONE, ONE Family Day Out with Ricky Kim and Kids was held at official mall Waterway Point last Saturday, 7th May. Though the event was slated to start at 730PM, eager fans started queueing from as early as 730 that morning to snag a good spot for the meet-and-greet session.

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During the event, the interactions between the Kim family drew nothing but endless cooing. Ricky shared that Taeoh is basically a carbon copy of his younger self, one that is full of energy and mischievous. He also mentioned that Taeoh eats really well, so much so that he was nicknamed 먹태오.


With thoughts of leaving the kids something to look back to after they grow up, Ricky started his journey on Oh! My Baby with Taerin and Taeoh in 2014 (not forgetting Taera who joined just recently). Ensuring the crowd that nothing is scripted and that they indeed have lots of fun every day, Ricky Kim added that he is glad that their day-to-day life was able to bring joy and laughter to everyone watching them. That said, he even started throwing hearts to the fans present to thank them for their warm reaction.

Between dramas and varieties, Ricky Kim expressed that he ultimately prefers acting as he started his career as an actor. He expressed his desire to appear in a Hollywood film and should he win an award, he will not forget to thank his fans in Singapore for all the love and support they had given him throughout this trip.


Ricky Kim hopes to do more interesting stuff with his kids this year, which most probably includes more travelling. He also added that perhaps someday, his son and daughters would be able to act and go on variety shows like him.

“Alright, you’re going to see my kids. Try not to scream too loud. They’re kids, they’re like little dogs. So I can’t control them. Prepare yourselves, they’re really cute.” he warned the crowd before heading backstage to bring Taeoh and Taerin on stage. However, Ricky Kim came out alone and dejectedly said that his daughter told him to “Stop, we can do this ourselves!” and that line itself no doubt drew a round of laughter.


The crowd went wild as the kids greeted the crowd. During their greetings, a Kai doll from the crowd caught Taeoh’s attention and he started fumbling and sticking his arms out in attempt to grab it. To our surprise, the current worth of the곰이니 (Nini Bear) can go up to the hundreds as the doll is no longer in production.


The meet-and-greet session continued with a simple ‘post-it challenge’ where they have to stick post-its on each other and shake them off within a minute. It was then followed by a photo taking session with the lucky winners before a really special segment. As it was Ricky Kim and his wife’s anniversary a couple of days ago (and mother’s day the next day), his wife was invited up on stage to receive a bouquet from the family. She also took the opportunity to thank the crowd for their support and love rendered.

The event ended with a short autograph session and Ricky Kim made the effort to engage in short conversations with his fans. Some lucky ones even managed to snag a hug from him. Were you one of the lucky ones?


The Kim family shot an episode of Oh! My Baby during their trip in Singapore and it is expected to air in late May. Oh! My Baby airs every Thursday at 11PM on ONE and is available on Singtel TV CH513, 604 and Starhub TV CH124, 820 and 823.

A big thank you to ONE as well as WOM PR for extending the event invite.



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