Korean heartthrob Song Seung-heon was in town last Friday to promote his upcoming movie, OBSESSED. At the OBSESSED Singapore Meet-and-Greet Session held at City Square Mall, where hundreds of fans attended, the actor shared his views and experience about acting in this movie, his future projects and tips on how he maintained an awesome physique.
Appearing in smiles that night, Song Seung-heon no doubt charmed all present at the venue as screams resonated.
On his thoughts with regards to meeting his fans in Singapore after a year, Song Seung-heon mentioned that he is really happy to be back again and is thankful for the warm welcome, be it at the airport the day before or at the meet-and-greet venue.
He added that his fans should definitely catch OBSESSED as it is something really different from his previous attempts on the big screen. He understood that the movie was rated R21 in Singapore and is apologetic that his younger fans could not catch it. However, he did mention that the project he is currently working on – with Director John Lee – is suited for the general audience, so he hopes that his fans could support it when it is released.
Song Seung-heon explained that he really liked his role in this movie, where it depicts a soldier who is brave and successful, yet sacrifices everything for the woman he loves. He also hopes that through this movie, everyone can find their true love and love them to their fullest. He even commented that his is in actual fact quite similar to his role once he falls in love as he gives his all when he is in a relationship.
When asked on his thoughts on OBSESSED being Lim Ji-yeon’s first acting stint, Song Seung-heon commented that despite this being her first, she was very professional about it and took on the role with a positive attitude. He also felt that there was no better person suited for this role than her.
Song Seung-heon shared that the secret behind maintaining his physique is through sports and work out, a healthy diet and a no-smoking regime.
In order to perfect the short Waltz scene in the movie, Song Seung-heon went for classes so as to portray that scene realistically. However, he confessed that he was a horrible dancer and he actually forgot the steps immediately after the filming of that scene, which no doubt was a pity since the fans were no doubt looking forward to seeing him demonstrate a move or two during the meet-and-greet session.
Should Song Seung-heon be given a day off to bring his girlfriend on a date, he would like to do what normal couples do – hold hands, walk down the streets, go to cafes, watch movies and eat good food. It may seem like something really ordinary and everyday-like, however, as he do not usually get the chance to, he wants to experience it.
Even though the Meet-and-Greet session lasted for a mere 20 minutes, Song Seung-heon no doubt captivated the crowd with his charming smiles that night.
OBSESSED opens in Singapore on 31st July 2014. Do show your support for this movie. In the meantime, do check out the official trailer of the movie below.
A big thank you to Golden Village and Clover Films for extending the media invite to (x)clusive.
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