(x)clusive’s 4TH ANNIVERSARY Monday Blast! Giveaway! and Video Message from SPICA!

(x)clusive's Monday BLAST! Giveaways

In light of (x)clusive’s fourth birthday coming up on 21st July, we have prepared a string of surprises for our (x)clusive readers! Including GIVEAWAYS, we also have special shoutouts from artists as well as exclusive interviews coming up these few weeks! For this week, we have power vocal girl group SPICA sending their well-wishes our way! The girls even mentioned it’d be nice to stay here for the local cuisine – watch on for more!


For the 8th July instalment of Monday Blast, we have changed the rules a bit! It’s not exactly Christmas yet, but we bring it forward with an extensive list of presents from the (x)clusive Gift Box! Winners will be able to select their prizes as listed below – and we’re adding on to it, so keep checking back! 😉

Stand a chance to win!

  1. 2NE1 Official Fan Towel – Sponsored by SingTel
  2. A-Prince Promotional Poster (Autographed)
  3. Aziatix “Nocturnal” Album (Autographed)
  4. Block B “New Kids On The Block” Album
  5. BTOB Official Slogan
  6. G.Na Singapore Promotions Event Poster
  7. Infinite “Second Invasion Evolution” Concert Official File Set
  8. M.I.B “Money In The Building” Album (Autographed)
  9. SNSD “I Got A Boy” Official Poster
  10. Twi-Light Albums – Sponsored by Kpopgaga (Autographed)
  11. Twi-Light Posters – Sponsored by Kpopgaga (Autographed)

…And more to come!

UPDATE: Congratulations to Soh Yu Ting, Chin Jia Qi Pamelia, Lim Jiayi! We will be contacting you via email shortly.

How To Participate?

We want to know how much YOU love (x)clusive!
Get your creative juices flowing as we’ll be picking the best Fans of (x)clusive to win great prizes!

– Follow (x)clusive on Twitter and/or like us on Facebook.

– Fill in the Google form below with your full name, E-mail, contact number, Twitter or Facebook ID, and your submission.

– Contest will end on 29th July 2013, 2359hrs.

* Do note that all submissions must be original and participants will grant (x)clusive permission to use submissions for promotional purposes.

When will winners be announced?

Winners will be announced on (x)clusive‘s website, Twitter and Facebook on 31st July 2013.

Winners will be notified by E-mail. Be sure to check and give us a reply if you have won, as winners who are uncontactable within 24 hours from the announcement will be forfeited of their prize.

If you have any questions about the giveaway, leave them in the comment box below on this post, or send as a tweet on Twitter! All the best to all participants, and also a very big thank you to all our prize sponsors!

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