(x)clusive!: More sassy than sexy – RaNia Singapore Showcase

For the first time, the 7 girls of the much-talked about girl group RaNia set foot in Singapore to promote their single “Dr Feel Good”. Consisting of members T-ae, Joy, Riko, Saem, Xia, Jooyi and Di (as shown in photo above), the girls not only pulled off a great performance, but impressed the media with their sincerity and friendliness. Watch the video of their press conference (below) and find out who Joy wants as her “virtual husband”, what does RaNia want to do in Singapore, and about their upcoming album!


RaNia definitely had their fans party the night away at their one-night only showcase at Club Butterfly last Sunday night. They kicked off their showcase night with their debut and controversial track “Dr Feel Good”, and “By Chance”, a remake of Baby V.O.X‘s “Accident”.


Contrary to the sexy, haughty and seemingly unapproachable image that they have portrayed on stage, the seven statuesque ladies of RaNia exuded a more demure and cute side of themselves during their interactions with fans. Youngest member T-ae pretended to cry when the fans sang a birthday song for her:

At the second showcase, they even hugged the fan who went on stage to dance to their song. One of the contestants did an impressive rendition of the dance, so much so both the girls and the crowd was wowed!

Despite much talk about lipsyncing, RaNia took the chance to show off their amazing vocal prowess with the ballad “Stand Up For Love” (we’ll update with a video soon). Following that, they performed their follow-up song, “Masquerade”. The seven-membered group ended the night off with an encore of their debut track, “Dr Feel Good”.

Much thanks to Jig Asia Entertainment, The Artist Connection, Club Butterfly and all the sponsors of the event that made it a success!

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